/v1/users | get all records from the users table |
/v1/users?limit=2&offset=2&sortBy=createdOn&sortDirection=desc | get data from users with limits, offsets and sorting |
/v1/posts | get all records from the posts table |
/v1/posts?limit=2&offset=2&sortBy=createdOn&sortDirection=desc | get data from posts with limits, offsets and sorting |
/v1/comments | get all records from the comments table |
/v1/comments?limit=2&offset=2&sortBy=createdOn&sortDirection=desc | get data from comments with limits, offsets and sorting |
/v1/categories | get all records from the categories table |
/v1/categories?limit=2&offset=2&sortBy=createdOn&sortDirection=desc | get data from categories with limits, offsets and sorting |
/v1/categories-to-posts | get all records from the categoriesToPosts table |
/v1/categories-to-posts?limit=2&offset=2&sortBy=createdOn&sortDirection=desc | get data from categoriesToPosts with limits, offsets and sorting |